Strategies to boost INDIAN HANDLOOM Sector

Today, the handloom sector is considered to be one of the largest unorganized sectors after agriculture and forms an integral part of the rural and semi-rural livelihood INTRODUCTION India’s handloom sector accounts for around 13-15% of the country’s textile production and is a Rs 50,000 crore industry in India . To uplift the Handloom sector govt of India observes National Handloom Day on August 7 every year since 2015. As per the Economic survey 2020, the textile and apparel industry contributed 2% in the overall GDP and 11% of total manufacturing GVA in FY20 and provided total direct and indirect employment of about 10.5 crore people. As per the 4th All India Handloom Census, the total number of households in India engaged in handloom activities (weaving and allied activities) is 31.45 lakhs. Nearly one in four weavers have not received any formal education. The majority (66.3%) o...